Families are invited to attend Virginia Beach City Public Schools’ Navigating the Journey event which will showcase the programs, pathways and services available to students throughout their educational experience – from prekindergarten through graduation.
Attendees can visit more than 50 exhibits, some of which include preschool assessment, prekindergarten, gifted education, special education services, academic and career planning, Advanced Placement (AP) and dual enrollment courses, military connected resources and more.
In addition, 25-minute breakout sessions will be held throughout the evening for families to learn more about specific topics, including high school academies, International Baccalaureate programs as well as transitioning between elementary school, middle school and high school.
This free event will be held Thursday, Oct. 17, from 5:30-8 p.m. at the Virginia Beach Convention Center located at 1000 19th Street. For a detailed list of exhibits and information sessions, view the Navigating the Journey event flyer below or on vbschools.com.