What school buildings will be modernized or replaced in the next 15 years?
You can weigh in by attending any of two upcoming community meetings: Monday, Nov. 13 at Kellam High School or Tuesday, Nov. 14 at Old Donation School. Each meeting will be from 6 – 7:30 p.m. The information shared at both meetings will be the same.
At the meetings, attendees will review school enrollment projections, analyze school condition data and learn about other factors, such as educational adequacy, which refers to whether a building is meeting the programmatic needs of a school. In addition, community members will be asked to weigh in on what criteria is most important when determining the prioritization of projects.
Feedback will be shared with the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Steering Committee, which is comprised of students, school division and city leaders as well as community organizations. Their task is to oversee the plan development process and aggregate the community’s input with facility assessments of school buildings to develop prioritization scenarios. These scenarios will be shared with the community in the spring before any recommendations are presented to the School Board for consideration.
Steering committee members as well as representatives from Cooperative Strategies, the professional demographics firm assisting with the planning process, will be present at both community meetings to help answer any questions. Those unable to attend the community meetings will still have an opportunity to give their input when VBCPS launches a survey later this month.
For more information about the process, visit the school division’s Long-Range Facilities Master Plan page on vbschools.com.