Every five years, Virginia Beach City Public Schools updates its strategic framework to ensure students are achieving at their maximum potential and are provided with a safe, engaging, inspiring and challenging place to learn. Students aren’t just the benefactors of the strategies; they are among the creators.
For example, 2024 Salem High School graduate Aliyah Pitts provided a student’s perspective on the skills and attributes students need to be future ready as well as strategies for accomplishing the goals of the division.
“in both large-group discussions and small-group discussions, I would always try to advocate what is in the best interest of the students,” said Pitts, who is now studying elementary education at James Madison University. As a member of the ad hoc planning committee, she worked with School Board members, bankers, a Navy officer and other professionals.
“I liked being able to work with different people with so many different jobs and build genuine relationships with them,” said Pitts, who also served on the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council. “They never made me feel like I was just a high school student.”
Another committee member — recent Bayside High School graduate Ray Dayanghirang — agreed.
“Not only were our voices accounted for, but they were acknowledged with respect, interest and full attention,” he said. “Everyone was invested in everybody’s ideas because of our diverse and equally meaningful perspectives.”
Pitts said she’s glad that the plan’s graduate profile is now called the future ready profile to reflect how it applies to students of all grade levels. Dayanghirang said the proposed goals are clear and achievable.
“It is for this reason that I am excited to see how our work together unfolds in the near future of VBCPS,” said Dayanghirang, who was involved in numerous leadership activities at VBCPS and is now studying finance and real estate at Old Dominion University.
Superintendent Dr. Donald Robertson Jr. and School Board Chair Kimberly Melynk said Compass to 2030 represents the culmination of months of thoughtful collaboration with students, staff, families, and community members: “As we move forward, the strategies and goals set forth in this framework will guide our efforts to enhance academic achievement, support student well-being, invest in staff, partner with families as well as our community to advance organizational excellence.”
For more information about Compass to 2030, visit vbschools.com.