The Holiday Connection program is delivering gifts, clothes, blankets, hygiene kits and gift cards to 168 families in December.
School social workers identify Virginia Beach City Public School students whose families are in need. Some of the families are experiencing homelessness. Students are also referred to the social workers by teachers, administration, and counselors at the school. Social workers deliver donated items to families through home visits.
More than 30 VBCPS schools, clubs, departments and administrative teams donated items this year. Community sponsors include Cheesecake Cares, Wycliffe Presbyterian, Cape Henry Collegiate and The Church of the Holy Family.
Newtown ele used to do 50+ families under the direction of Ms.Lane cafeteria would be full of bikes, presents,
Thrilled to see this program still going strong since School Social Work Services started it in the 1990s. Love to all my friends and former co-workers continuing the giving tradition .
That’s very great