The every day demands of school, homework, sports and friends can take a toll on children, as do the unexpected changes in a child’s life such as a move, divorce or the deployment of a parent. Parent Connection’s guest columnist for January, Michele Tryon, discusses how to help children navigate stress successfully. Tyron writes, “a parent or caregiver can play a critical part in helping the child successfully cope.”
Tyron’s complete column is available here on the Parents page on To read past Parent Connection guest columns, visit the guest columnist archive here.
Parents who want to learn more about how to lessen tension, increase cooperation and support a well-balanced family life are encouraged to attend a free “Family Stress” workshop on Wednesday, Mar. 25 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the CHKD Health and Surgery Center at Princess Anne (2021 Concert Drive, Virginia Beach). Visit to register and to see a calendar of other parent workshops.