Parents of Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) students in grades 5, 8 and 12 will receive email invitations the week of April 9 to participate in the school division’s Compass to 2020 Monitoring Survey.
The survey is an opportunity for parents to share their perceptions about the learning climate at their child’s school and parental involvement. Results from the survey are provided to the principal of each school and are included in Navigational Marker reports that are produced for the division as well as each school to help identify areas for improvements. Navigational Markers are key measures that monitor progress on the division’s strategic framework, Compass to 2020. In addition, results from this survey are included on each school’s annual school report card, Campus Compass.
Parents with children in more than one VBCPS school will receive an email invitation for each school their children attend. The last day to complete the survey is April 27.
Parents who have questions about the survey or would like a paper copy may contact Robert Veigel, research specialist in the school division’s Department of Planning, Innovation and Accountability, at 757-263-1199 or